I'm not good at blogging, but decided it was time to blog again. Someone told me some time ago that they were interested in my God story. So well, here is part of it. I started my personal relationship with God in the 5th Grade. I remember that night and when I went to bed, I had so much peace. 5th grade was a really rough year for me so having that peace that night really meant alot. Lots happened between that day and some time a couple of years ago when I prayed the prayer to God that I wanted to know the Truth. Not what I had been taught was the truth, but I wanted God to show me Truth. I didn't realize it at the time, but that was a powerful prayer. God has taught me so much in the past two years. Some of it is still between me and God, but some of it I can share. One thing, is that God began to reveal to me that I believed some lies about myself. First lie, I believed I was a failure. It was revealed to me that I subconsciously told myself throughout they day that I was failing. If I saw the dishes in the sink, I would think if I was better, those would be done. Dirty house, if I was better, it would be clean. Laundry, if I better used my time, it would be done. I told myself constantly that I was failing. I remember the day, I realized that I did this. I made a plan. The next time I saw the pile of laundry, I would say," Look how full my life is that I have all this laundry and how much fuller is my life that I am so busy with my life that I don't have time to do it" You get the idea. I have kids and a husband and a full life. So much love fills my life that I don't have time to do the laundry, dishes, etc. Don't get me wrong, I do laundry and dishes, but when I see they need done, I don't tell myself if you were better those would be done. This was huge for me. I am not a failure!!!
But God wasn't done, He soon revealed that I believed I was an inconvenience. This lead to alot of agruements with my husband. I believed what I wanted wasn't important to other people. I put this belief on my husband and treated him like it was true. Boy would we argue. Yes, I remember the night this came to a head and I remember, when I realized I believed I was an inconvenience. And then I remember, when I realized it wasn't true. I'm not an inconvenience. I'm important and people really do like me.
Realizing that I'm not an inconvenience nor a failure, well that changed my life. As with any lesson we learn, sometimes I have to remember this.
God has also taught me other things. I've learned lessons about the 10 commandments, the Sabbath and that God is all about relationships. Mine and God's relationship and relationships with other people.
I'm so excited that God is still teaching me truth.